There are a few definitions of evangelization, depending on different worldviews. In a secular view, to evangelize can mean to simply promote and spread an idea. For a Christian, evangelization means to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As mentioned previously, the spirituality of the child animates the spirituality of the adult. The more time we spend with children, the more we grow in goodness and virtue. Dr. Montessori always pointed out that the modern world forgets the rights of the child and is blind to the child himself. If this was not so, the child would change the hearts of men and the world would become more peaceful. She declares that “this abnormal condition has naturally destroyed almost all of the formative influence of the child on life…if the child and his rights do not re-enter into life even the dignity of the adult will be lost forever…if we change the center of civilization from the adult to the child a more noble form of civilization would arise. Then the education of the new generation would be the central point; and to be and become a man, to be and become a Christian would be the supreme value to which all other external values would be subordinated-because they would be looked upon as the necessary means to the attainment of the greatest possible perfection in man himself” (The Child in the Church). As Christians we need to follow the words of Christ and Dr. Montessori…we must allow ourselves to be formed by the child in an entirely new form of catechesis and evangelization. The faith is meant to be shared…to be preached to the ends of the earth. If we are to become like little children to enter the kingdom of heaven, then it is the child who can teach us evangelization…who can lead us to a better world.
Written by: Maggie Clement