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Saturday, November 9, 2024

9:00am to Noon

Grand Street Cafe

4740 Grand Avenue, KCMO 63112

A brunch and social benefitting Our Lady’s Montessori School

The Fullness of Joy is an opportunity to share the joy that is overflowing from our school. This special event benefits Our Lady’s Montessori School and the children formed spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, physically, and socially in its classrooms. This event is our biggest fundraising event of the year helping us close our critical gap between operating expenses and the cost of tuition. Join us for a morning full of joy!

Key Note Speaker: Sister Anne Marie Walsh, SOLT

Sister Anne Marie Walsh is a perpetually professed Sister of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT) which she joined in 1983. She has a degree in Early Childhood Education and has completed additional course work in Formation and Missiology at the Pontifical University Urbaniana, Rome.

Sr. Anne Marie has worked in education, vocational formation, retreat work, and administration. She served as the General Sister Servant of the SOLT Sisters for ten years. Sr. Anne is currently serves at Domus Trinitatis, (Home of the Trinity) Retreat Center in Willey, Iowa, offering retreats on healing for families, the dignity and vocation of women, and speaks on many other topics. She is particularly well versed in Christian anthropology(the Christian understanding of the human person).